Name: kevi
Age: 23
Location (Timezone): germany gmt+1
Do you have a microphone? yes
[!] If you haven't yet, download TeamSpeak 3 as it's the communication program of our guild.
You can download it here! no
In-Game Name & Role:
Other classes you have: (So, we know if you can re-roll if necessary)
Tell us about your RO experience: (Considering your WoE:SE and high-end MvP experience and former mentionable guilds)
Will you be able to attend WoE?
The times are in Server Time - use @time in-game to compare it with your time!
WoE:SE 08.30-10PM on Sundays (Mandatory WoE!)
Give us your final stats and equipment: (You can write it down, attach an ingame screenshot or post a calc link from
What 3rd party programs do you use?
What's your task during WoE:SE?
Why do you want to join 'Seduction Theory'?[/quote]