Above all, this is not a request for recruitment.
I come from the French guild "Origin".
My guildmaster told us that it was possible to join your ranks the time of War of Emperium, that's the reason for this message. :)
Name: Jawaii
Age: 29 years old
Location (Timezone): Paris (France)
Do you have a microphone? (It's not mandatory, but always fun to hear each other's voices!)
I have one, but I often remain off.
In-Game Name: Jawaii
Applying as: Gypsy (99/70)
Other classes you have: (So, we know if you can re-roll if necessary)
Nothing else for WoE.
Tell us about your RO experience: (Considering your WoE:SE and high-end MvP experience and former mentionable guilds)
I play since the implementation of the Ninja/Gunslinger class (6 years ago i guess).
But i'have stopped during 1 year (due to third classes).
I have played only on private server, my last server was OldSchoolRo (Pre-Trans 7/7/7).
Will you be able to attend the following WoEs?
- Wenesday : Occasionally
- Sunday : As much as possilbe (subject to availability)
Give us your final stats and equipment: (You can write it down, attach an ingame screenshot or post a calc link from calc.x-ro.net)
Scream/Slow Grace build - Stun imun - Anti long range stuff.
We can be ally for now but ennemy tomorrow...So i don't want to show you my stuff/build in details sorry.
What's your task during WoE:SE?
- Dazzler/Scream (team less)
- Slow Grace
- Bragi *
* Only if i have Dancer Spirit and the guild bragi is dead. This will not be a bragi of quality but it can still help.
Why do you want to join 'Seduction Theory'?
We can WoE together. *_*
Sorry i don't know your guild anymore
Above all, this is not a request for recruitment.
I come from the French guild "Origin".
My guildmaster told us that it was possible to join your ranks the time of War of Emperium, that's the reason for this message. :)
Name: Jawaii
Age: 29 years old
Location (Timezone): Paris (France)
Do you have a microphone? (It's not mandatory, but always fun to hear each other's voices!)
I have one, but I often remain off.
In-Game Name: Jawaii
Applying as: Gypsy (99/70)
Other classes you have: (So, we know if you can re-roll if necessary)
Nothing else for WoE.
Tell us about your RO experience: (Considering your WoE:SE and high-end MvP experience and former mentionable guilds)
I play since the implementation of the Ninja/Gunslinger class (6 years ago i guess).
But i'have stopped during 1 year (due to third classes).
I have played only on private server, my last server was OldSchoolRo (Pre-Trans 7/7/7).
Will you be able to attend the following WoEs?
- Wenesday : Occasionally
- Sunday : As much as possilbe (subject to availability)
Give us your final stats and equipment: (You can write it down, attach an ingame screenshot or post a calc link from calc.x-ro.net)
Scream/Slow Grace build - Stun imun - Anti long range stuff.
We can be ally for now but ennemy tomorrow...So i don't want to show you my stuff/build in details sorry.
What's your task during WoE:SE?
- Dazzler/Scream (team less)
- Slow Grace
- Bragi *
* Only if i have Dancer Spirit and the guild bragi is dead. This will not be a bragi of quality but it can still help.
Why do you want to join 'Seduction Theory'?
We can WoE together. *_*
Sorry i don't know your guild anymore